November 16, 2017 / by Squat New York
What is it about minimalism that feels so refreshing and timeless. That makes it work with anything you apply it to, no matter the project.
We think it’s the way minimalist designs are based on creating space and simplicity. There’s something about the combination of these two that is beautiful in itself. Space – whether filled with white or black – leaves room to breathe, especially around the central element.
It doesn’t have to compete with too many other colors, graphics, animations or videos. The viewer sees exactly what they’re meant to see. No ad-ons. No distractions. No ugly. This is marketing at its best and boldest.
The most defining aspect of minimalism is the extent that it makes users’ lives easier. They don’t have to think – message reception is immediate. But here’s the caveat. Making something so incredibly easy can be so incredibly complex.
Designers like us will end up putting hours upon hours into producing something that looks effortlessly beautiful. Something with that “I just woke up this way” kind of feel.
This effect only comes when you plan every item with purpose. Every color, every icon, every image. It all has a reason for existing. We always have to ask ourselves: “if we include this, what is the user supposed to do with it?” Things without a function are left to the wayside. We might even have to go an unconventional route that requires us to let go of common design elements. For instance, we may need to brainstorm creative ways for one element to take on the functionality of many.
These decisions can be critical and scary. Making them is a process that takes us on a journey into the minds of viewers and users – what they really need and desire. Because in the end, the consumer is all that matters. (As if you didn’t know.)
As much strategic thinking and conceptualization that minimalism requires, the rewards are worth it.
It’s not a new idea that consumers are drawn to minimalism. Marketers all throughout time have understood that people appreciate focused content as well as the level of quality focused content allows for. Information is never be hard to find. People also enjoy how when used for digital platforms, minimalistic designs are quick to load and even quicker to respond (as there are fewer elements to shrink and stretch in code). No one likes clutter, not even computers.
Which is why it’s a style we apply time and again. So yes, we’re obsessed. Can you blame us?
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