Bringing Online Dating Offline

Dating Outside the Box

Web Design, Mobile Technology, Online App

Dating Outside the Box (DOTB) is a modern mobile dating app that helps you take online dating offline. By allowing users to upload videos as well as pictures, they can get to know their potential date in as little as 30 seconds, bypassing the hours of chatting it usually takes before finding out if it’s a match. Video effectively reduces the possibility that users are fabricating their identities or manipulating their potential date. All users have to do to take it to the next level is choose a time and place according to their date’s availability.


Squat came in at a time when DOTB was attempting to flesh out a strategy for its web design. They needed new visitors to know immediately what kind of site they landed on, what the app does and how it can be distinguished from other popular apps like Tinder and Bumble.

Our solution was to include a slider that fits above the fold and takes visitors through the same process they would follow on the app – first watching someone’s video and creating their own, then quickly deciding to take the relationship into the “real” world and choosing their favorite meetup spot. Each page is accompanied by animations of what users could potentially experience. Happy, effervescent colors and iconography help create an upbeat tone for the site, encouraging visitors to feel comfortable and motivated to explore the app’s opportunities.


By steering away from complicated design structures and using the cutest, minimalist illustrations, we managed to make the interface ultra user-friendly. The site has since enabled DOTB to double its number of downloads and increase user trials by over 60 percent. Watch out, Tinder.   


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